We offer both a comprehensive and limited option for testing.
Telehealth (TELEPHONE) Consultation
A Telehealth Consultation consists of a TELEPHONE conversation with an Eyewell provider to discuss your current dry eye status and to answer questions regarding which appointment may best for you. An Eyewell provider will call you at the phone number in your profile. Please do NOT show up in person. Payment in-full is expected at the time of service.
Extensive Dry Eye Evaluation
An Extensive Dry Eye Evaluation includes thorough diagnostic testing and evaluation - a deep dive into finding all the causes that contribute to your dry eye.
Dry Eye Evaluation
A Dry Eye Evaluation includes diagnostic testing and evaluation to determine the key causes and contributors to your dry eye problem. A report of findings will be sent to your regular eye doctor who will review the findings and discuss a treatment plan with you.
Lipiflow Treatment
Lipiflow is a form of deep, automated thermal expression for moderate to severe dry eye. Pricing includes the Procedure ($850) + Exam ($125).
TearCare Treatment
TearCare is a form of thermal expression for mild to moderate dry eye.
Pricing includes the Procedure ($600) + Exam ($125).
IPL Treatment
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a form of light therapy for for dry eye and ocular rosacea. Pricing includes the Procedure ($400) + Exam ($125).
Ocular Surface Restoration Package
An Ocular Surface Restoration is for patients with chronic, moderate to severe dry eye. Pricing includes extensive diagnostic testing, 6 Treatment Sessions (e.g. Lipiflow, IPL or other) and Eyewell provider evaluations over a 12 month period. Six visits are scheduled for one hour, every 2 months over a 12 month period. Each visit includes a Treatment Session (e.g. Lipiflow, TearCare, IPL or other) and an Eyewell Provider evaluation.
Follow Up Evaluation
Follow up evaluations are for existing patients as recommended by an Eyewell provider.
Impression Based Scleral Lenses
Impression based scleral devices are created to match shape of each eye. The highly customized fit results in greater scleral lens stability, improved lens comfort and better vision.
Rinsada uses high-pressure sterile saline targeted underneath the eyelid and in the fornix where artificial tears and normal irrigation cannot typically reach. Rinsada can clear the ocular surface of inflammation, allergens and pollutants that can get trapped deep in the inner folds (fornix) of the eye.
Pre-Surgical Ocular Surface Restoration Package
Thermal Expression Session
Dr. Kristen Brown
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Dr. Kristen Brown
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